In search for a simple build tool

Orestis Markou orestis at
Thu Oct 30 13:56:25 EDT 2008


as many of you probably know anyway, there's been a lot of talk about  
Python build tools and solutions these days. The thing is, now with so  
many tools to choose from, I can't choose! Hopefully people with more  
experience can help me.

My requirements are:

  * Simple filesystem operations (copy this file here, etc)
  * Easy to use
  * setuptools integration and extension (so that still works)
  * not needed for distribution (so that end-users won't even know  
it's there)

The closest I could found is Paver; It seems that it's much bigger  
than I need, but it's and it has a bootstrapping library I can  
distribute transparently. Any other options?

Orestis Markou
orestis at

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