code critique requested - just 60 lines

Steven D'Aprano steve at
Thu Oct 2 11:09:11 EDT 2008

On Thu, 02 Oct 2008 07:51:30 -0700, Terrence Brannon wrote:

> Hi, I would like some feedback on how you would improve the following
> program:

Well, for starters, I'd say that's the WORST implementation of Quicksort 
I've every seen!!!


Seriously, the first thing I'd say is that you need to document what the 
program is supposed to do! It's a bit much to expect us to guess what it 
does, and then see if it does what we think it should do. What's the 
purpose of the program?

> Basically, using non-strict dictionary keys can lead to bugs, so that
> worried me. 

What's a "non-strict dictionary key"?


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