Tix: Windows XP: Problem - how to stop root window from popping up with Tix

dudeja.rajat at gmail.com dudeja.rajat at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 06:33:59 EDT 2008


Im using Tix on widows XP and I've tried many ways to suppress the root
window. But so far I'm unable to do it.

Please suggest how can I suppress the root window.

My code is as follows:

import Tix
myRoot = Tix.Tk()


myRoot.title("Test Automation")
#Create GUI Object and pass the logger object
myAppGUIObject = myAppGUI(myRoot, logger)   #My AppGUI class creates the GUI
which heavily uses the Tkinter widgets and only TixComboBox


Please suggest if there is anything I'm missing.

Thanks and regards,
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