Professional quality scripts/code

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Fri Oct 3 04:26:33 EDT 2008

robean a écrit :
> I have been learning Python for the last 3 months or so and I have a
> working (but somewhat patchy) sense of the the language. I've been
> using a couple of the more popular Python books as well as online
> resources.
> A question for experienced Python programmers: can you recommend
> resources where I can look at high quality Python code and scripts?

Well... Not everything is 'high quality' in it[1], but why not start 
with the stdlib ? Most of it is pure Python, opensource code and is 
already installed on your machine, isn't it ?-)

[1] IIRC, last time I had a look at the zipfile module's code, it was 
more of a Q&D hack than anything else - now as long as it works fine for 
what I do with it and I don't have to maintain it, well, that's fine.

> I've spent some time at but am
> concerned that the quality of what is posted there can be somewhat hit
> and miss.


>  What I have in mind is a site like cpan, where one can look
> at the actual source code of many of the modules and learn a thing or
> two about idiomatic Perl programming from studying the better ones.
> Any sites like that for Python?

Lurking here is probably a good way to see a lot of code reviews. And 
even possibly to submit snippets of your own code to review. Some (if 
not most) of us here like to show how good we are at improving the poor 
newbies code !-)

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