ANN: starpy-1.0.0a13

Godson Gera godson.g at
Sun Oct 12 00:11:14 EDT 2008

Hi All,

         I am happy to announce new release of starpy (Asterisk protocols
for Twisted ) on behalf of starpy team.

         starpy-1.0.0a13 can be downloaded from here

This release contains addition of many manager commands to manager API.
Following is a list of newly added commands.

   1. agentLogoff
   2. dbGet
   3. dbPut
   4. extensionState
   5. getConfig
   6. meetmeMute
   7. meetmeUnmute
   8. park
   9. pauseMonitor
   10. playDTMF
   11. queuePause
   12. sipShowPeers
   13. unpauseMonitor
   14. updateConfig (read AMI documentation before using this )
   15. userEvent
   16. waitEvent
   17. zapDNDoff
   18. zapDNDon
   19. zapDialOffhook
   20. zapHangup
   21. zapRestart
   22. zapShowChannels
   23. zapTransfer

   - Those are all the new manager Actions that were added. Queues action is
   there but it won't work cause AMI returns improperly formatted lines, same
   case with IAXPeers action, as AgentCallbackLogin is deprecated and is not
   functioning properly it was not included.
   - Bug fix in queueStatus manager API, in collectDeferred argument
   'QueueStatusEnd' is changed to 'QueueStatusComplete'. Now the deferred fires
   - Bug fix in fastagi playback (not a standard AGI command, was created by
   Mike as a workaround for buggy streamFile command back in Asterisk 1.2 days.
   Now streamFile is working properly so you might not be using this playback

Those are all the changes that are involved in this release if you find any
bugs or hope for any new features let me know.

Have fun with starpy,
Godson Gera
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