Pr. Euler 18, recursion problem

process circularfunc at
Sun Oct 5 23:30:04 EDT 2008

I am trying to solve project euler problem 18 with brute force(I will
move on to a better solution after I have done that for problem 67).

However I can't get the recursive function right.

I always have to use return right? Unless I am printing? So I canät
stack to diffferent recursive calls after each other like so:
recur_left(t, p)

Some stuff I have tried:

def recur(tree, pos):
    if not tree:
        return []
        return [[tree[0][pos]] + recur(tree[1:], pos)] + \
               [[tree[0][pos]] + recur(tree[1:], pos+1)]

>>> recur([[1],[2,3],[4,5,6]],0)
[[1, [2, [4], [4]], [2, [5], [5]]], [1, [3, [5], [5]], [3, [6], [6]]]]

SO it is kind of working, just not exactly like I want.
A more easily parseable/readable result would be nice, I want to be
able to sum() over each path preferrably.

So the result should be:

I know conceptually what has to be done.
Base case: empty tree, return []
Else: recur to the left and to the right.

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