compare items in list to x

Bruno Desthuilliers bdesth.quelquechose at
Sun Nov 2 13:53:39 EST 2008

Matt Herzog a écrit :
> I want a program that loops over a list of numbers (y) and tells me whether each number in the list is less than, greater than or equal to another number (x).
> In the below code, I can't get python to see that 2 is equal to 2. 
> x = 2
> def compare():
>     for y in ['12', '33', '2']:
>         if x < y:
>             print x, "is less than", y
>         elif x > y:
>             print x, "is greater than", y
>         else:
>             print x, "and", y, "are equal"
> compare()

def compare(x, alist):
    formats = {
       -1 : "%d is less than %d",
       0  : "%d and %d are equals",
       1  : "%d is greater than %d"
    print "\n".join(formats[cmp(x, y)] % (x, y) for y in map(int, alist))

compare(2, ['12', '1', '33', '2'])

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