find() a larger string within a smaller string

Gary Herron gherron at
Fri Nov 14 15:05:03 EST 2008

korean_dave wrote:
> stringa = "hi"
> stringb = "hiyoooo"
> I'd like it to return -1 when I do:
> returnVal = stringa.find(stringb);
> Instead, it treats stringa as "hi" and stringb as "hi".

No it doesn't.  stringb is  "hiyoooo"  and it "treats" it that way. 
(And just what do you mean by "treat"?)

> How do I solve this?

There is nothing to solve.   The expression


asks if "hi" contains "hiyoooo", and since it does not, it returns a -1 indicating so.

You'll have to describe what you expected and why you expected it before we will be able to see a problem that needs solving.  (And then the problem will most likely be in your expectations, not in the find method.)

Gary Herron

> --

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