Python on iPhone actually rather good

Joe Strout joe at
Tue Nov 4 12:40:22 EST 2008

On Nov 4, 2008, at 10:33 AM, Michael Torrie wrote:

> Are there any good books on python and objc?  I doubt you'll be able  
> to
> make any decent iPhone apps without having a good working knowledge of
> Objective C and the python-objc bridge.  In my mind that's one of the
> cool parts of doing cocoa development in python, but also the biggest
> curse of cocoa.

I've found "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X", in combination with the  
PyObjC tutorials on the web, to be a very accessible combination.   
I've gone about halfway through the book, just translating the  
tutorials from ObjC to PyObjC as I go, and it's worked out fine.

When I need help, I post to the pythonmac-sig list, which is a  
friendly and helpful bunch.  (I would think that iPhone development  
would be welcome there as well, since the iPhone is more or less a  
tiny Mac, at least from a development point of view).

- Joe

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