(Windows) "Dropping" stuff onto a Python script

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Thu Nov 6 04:12:16 EST 2008

daniel.haude at googlemail.com wrote:
> Hello people,
> I'd like to have the functionality known from "real" executables that
> if I drag-drop a file icon on top of the app, the app starts and has
> the file's path as command-line argument.
> However, this doesn't seem to work with Python scripts because Windows
> sees those just as files, not apps.
> Can this be done?

There may be fancier ways but...

... prefix the shortcut target with the python executable:

c:\python25\python.exe myscript.py

I've just tested this with a script which does this:

import os, sys

os.startfile (sys.argv[1])


and it works ok.


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