Redirect Graphical output

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Sat Nov 15 05:10:00 EST 2008

En Sat, 15 Nov 2008 07:27:47 -0200, Indian <write2abdul at>  

> Is there any way we can redirect graphical output to some file
> What i require is to run a test for my function but it involves dialog  
> boxes
> but a test shld be run without user intervention :(
> import sys
> import dialog
> import wx
> app = wx.PySimpleApp()
> sys.stdout = open('c:\\abc.txt','w')
> dialog.ConfirmMessageBox('hello','abdul',wx.OK)
> sys.stdout=sys.__stdout__
> I was trying to use the above code but noticed it was tough to redirect  
> to a
> file
> Please help :)

(I don't get what the above code is supposed to perform)
You're right, unit tests should run without user intervention. So in  
principle, the function being tested should not call a dialog box  
directly. There are several strategies to deal with that, as a general  
rule, try to separate the user interfase from the "processing" code.

Gabriel Genellina

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