Python equivalent of Common Lisp Macros?

Diez B. Roggisch deets at
Wed Nov 26 14:26:50 EST 2008

dpapathanasiou schrieb:
> I'm using the feedparser library to extract data from rss feed items.
> After I wrote this function, which returns a list of item titles, I
> noticed that most item attributes would be retrieved the same way,
> i.e., the function would look exactly the same, except for the single
> data.append line inside the for loop.
> In CL, I could simply write a macro, then replace the data.append line
> depending on which attribute I wanted.
> Is there anything similar in Python?
> Here's the function:
> def item_titles (feed_url):
>     """Return a list of the item titles found in this feed url"""
>     data = []
>     feed = feedparser.parse(feed_url)
>     if feed:
>         if len(feed.version) > 0:
>             for e in feed.entries:
>                 data.append(e.title.encode('utf-8'))
>     return data

No, there are no macros. Yet it has - amongst other options, such as 
callbacks - decorators, that would allow you to write your code like this:

def items (feed_url):
     feed = feedparser.parse(feed_url)
     if feed:
         if len(feed.version) > 0:
             for e in feed.entries:
                 yield e

titles = []
other_things = []
for item in items(url):


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