Python surpasses Perl in popularity?

david.lyon at david.lyon at
Tue Nov 25 00:57:20 EST 2008

Quoting John Machin <sjmachin at>:

> I'll try again: On what grounds do you assert that "Many libraries,
> aren't as sophisticated - ie spreadsheet reading and writing."? What
> Python spreadsheet reading and writing libraries have you used? In
> what way are they less sophisticated than their perl counterparts? Do
> you have any particular enhancement requests?

Hi John,

Since you asked a second time and appear genuinely interested - I will  
answer properly. :-)

pyExcelorator  - Setting column widths. Doesn't seem to work.

Nor setting attrributes in sheets. Things seem to be only half done  
when compared to what I have seen in Perl.

Perl was much easier to get the same functionality working.

Here is my particular complaint:

from pyExcelerator import *
# -- Adjust the column width
if dbf1.fieldDefinitions()[f].fieldInfo()[1] == 'C':
     ws.col(f).width = 0x0d00 + (f * 600)

in perl....

     $sheet1->set_column(0, 0, 20);

perl works nicely... I couldn't find a way to so easily set a column width...

plus.. colours are all broken...

If you can shed any light on it for me, I would be thankful.



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