Enumerating k-segmentations of a sequence

Mark Dickinson dickinsm at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 12:34:34 EST 2008

On Nov 25, 4:56 pm, bullockbefriending bard <kinch1... at gmail.com>
> I'm not sure if my terminology is precise enough, but what I want to
> do is:
> [snip problem description]
> Structural Recursion not being my strong point, any ideas on how to go
> about this would be much appreciated!

If you have Python 2.6 available, itertools.combination might be
Here's an example:

from itertools import combinations

def partitions(l, k):
    """generate all partitions of a list l into k nonempty pieces"""
    n = len(l)
    for c in combinations(range(1, n), k-1):
        c = [0] + list(c) + [n]
        yield [l[c[i]:c[i+1]] for i in xrange(k)]

for p in partitions(range(1, 6), 3):
    print p


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