Sieve of Zakiya

Mark Dickinson dickinsm at
Tue Nov 18 18:15:14 EST 2008

On Nov 18, 3:58 pm, jzakiya <jzak... at> wrote:
> I am writing another paper explaining some of the mathematical basis
> for the SoZ, with complexity analysis, but I keep finding
> "interesting" features about the underlying math, which I hope real
> mathematicians will investigate and reveal what's going on here.

Well, what's going on here is that you've rediscovered the idea
of a wheel.  I don't know who first came up with the idea of
speeding up the sieve of Eratosthenes with a wheel, but it's
certainly been around for a while.  So unfortunately your
ideas, while interesting, aren't new.  Don't be put off,
though: finding that your amazing new discovery is already
well known is a pretty common activity when doing mathematics. :-)

A good reference for this and related topics is the book
"Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective", by Crandall
and Pomerance.  See Chapter 3, especially section 3.1.

> Run the code and see for yourself! :-)

Using Python to measure algorithm performance is kinda
crazy, but since you insist, here's a version of the sieve
of Eratosthenes that I wrote a while back.  On my machine,
the function wheelSieve comes out around 60% faster than
your 'SoZP11', for inputs of around 10**6 or so.


from math import sqrt
from bisect import bisect_left

def basicSieve(n):
    """Given a positive integer n, generate the primes < n."""
    s = [1]*n
    for p in xrange(2, 1+int(sqrt(n-1))):
        if s[p]:
            a = p*p
            s[a::p] = [0] * -((a-n)//p)
    for p in xrange(2, n):
        if s[p]:
            yield p

class Wheel(object):
    """Class representing a wheel.

       primelimit -> wheel covers primes < primelimit.
       For example, given a primelimit of 6
       the wheel primes are 2, 3, and 5.
       primes -> list of primes less than primelimit
       size -> product of the primes in primes;  the modulus of the
       units -> list of units modulo size
       phi -> number of units

    def __init__(self, primelimit):
        self.primelimit = primelimit
        self.primes = list(basicSieve(primelimit))

        # compute the size of the wheel
        size = 1
        for p in self.primes:
            size *= p
        self.size = size

        # find the units by sieving
        units = [1] * self.size
        for p in self.primes:
            units[::p] = [0]*(self.size//p)
        self.units = [i for i in xrange(self.size) if units[i]]

        # number of units
        self.phi = len(self.units)

    def to_index(self, n):
        """Compute alpha(n), where alpha is an order preserving map
        from the set of units modulo self.size to the nonnegative

        If n is not a unit, the index of the first unit greater than n
        is given."""
        return bisect_left(self.units, n % self.size) + n // self.size
* self.phi

    def from_index(self, i):
        """Inverse of to_index."""

        return self.units[i % self.phi] + i // self.phi * self.size

def wheelSieveInner(n, wheel):
    """Given a positive integer n and a wheel, find the wheel indices
    all primes that are less than n, and that are units modulo the
    wheel modulus.

    # renaming to avoid the overhead of attribute lookups
    U = wheel.units
    wS = wheel.size
    # inverse of unit map
    UI = dict((u, i) for i, u in enumerate(U))
    nU = len(wheel.units)

    sqroot = 1+int(sqrt(n-1)) # ceiling of square root of n

    # corresponding index (index of next unit up)
    sqrti = bisect_left(U, sqroot % wS) + sqroot//wS*nU
    upper = bisect_left(U, n % wS) + n//wS*nU
    ind2 = bisect_left(U, 2 % wS) + 2//wS*nU

    s = [1]*upper
    for i in xrange(ind2, sqrti):
        if s[i]:
            q = i//nU
            u = U[i%nU]
            p = q*wS+u
            u2 = u*u
            aq, au = (p+u)*q+u2//wS, u2%wS
            wp = p * nU
            for v in U:
                # eliminate entries corresponding to integers
                # congruent to p*v modulo p*wS
                uvr = u*v%wS
                m = aq + (au > uvr)
                bot = (m + (q*v + u*v//wS - m) % p) * nU + UI[uvr]
                s[bot::wp] = [0]*-((bot-upper)//wp)
    return s

def wheelSieve(n, wheel=Wheel(10)):
    """Given a positive integer n, generate the list of primes <=
    n += 1
    wS = wheel.size
    U = wheel.units
    nU = len(wheel.units)
    s = wheelSieveInner(n, wheel)
    return (wheel.primes[:bisect_left(wheel.primes, n)] +
            [p//nU*wS + U[p%nU] for p in xrange(bisect_left(U, 2 % wS)
             + 2//wS*nU, len(s)) if s[p]])

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