Unsubscriptable object when using Exec

Indian write2abdul at gmail.com
Fri Nov 14 13:40:25 EST 2008

Hi Friends

I'm getting the TypeError Unsubscriptable object when using Exec in a class

Here's the example

class Fake(object):
  def __init__(self, reg):
    self._reg = reg

  def OpenKey(self, rootkey, path):
    open_key = self._reg
    for key in path.split('\\'):
      path_string += '[\'%s\']'%key
    return d

When i create a claassobject and call the method Openkey i get the above
error but it works fine in the below example without class

def OpenKey(rootkey, path, reg):
  open_key = reg
  for key in path.split('\\'):
    path_string += '[\'%s\']'%key
  print a
  return d

What am i doing wrong in the class?Any thought on this would be helpful :)

Thanks in Advance
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