sorting list of complex numbers

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Sun Nov 9 09:44:15 EST 2008

The thread on sorting in Python 3 got me to thinking.  How could I sort a
list of complex numbers using key?

    >>> lst = [random.random()+random.random()*1j for i in range(10)]
    >>> lst
    [(0.32672251849959244+0.41428983433288791j), (0.35238056484609881+0.92758203977208264j), (0.19337824038125528+0.16527285180541951j), (0.47569307114525849+0.72381960418815128j), (0.21498813135082351+0.2046308266222292j), (0.30142745756937939+0.35216751451102601j), (0.77355676386939132+0.0023447924287695043j), (0.2547736124606309+0.52234837788936905j), (0.38349189081350132+0.62017617694427096j), (0.58362096773561245+0.87702443273108477j)]

As expected:

    >>> sorted(lst)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: no ordering relation is defined for complex numbers

This works:

    >>> sorted(lst, key=lambda x: x.real)
    [(0.19337824038125528+0.16527285180541951j), (0.21498813135082351+0.2046308266222292j), (0.2547736124606309+0.52234837788936905j), (0.30142745756937939+0.35216751451102601j), (0.32672251849959244+0.41428983433288791j), (0.35238056484609881+0.92758203977208264j), (0.38349189081350132+0.62017617694427096j), (0.47569307114525849+0.72381960418815128j), (0.58362096773561245+0.87702443273108477j), (0.77355676386939132+0.0023447924287695043j)]

but what if I want to sort by real, then imaginary parts?  Here's a longer
list with 20 elements where there are only 10 distinct reals but 20 distinct

    >>> pprint.pprint(lst)

I can sort by the real parts just fine:

    >>> lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.real)
    >>> pprint.pprint(lst)

but how do I then do a secondary sort by the imaginary part, preserving the
existing ordering on the real parts?  Seems like I have to resort to a
Schwartzian transform and map the complex numbers to tuples, sort that, then
map them back.  With the cmp key it would have been a fairly trivial task to
define the desired compare-real-then-imag function.

Is there a way to do this using just the key arg, no extra data structures?


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