PyMei - Python Media Interface

"Jørgen P. Tjernø" jorgen at
Tue Nov 25 18:06:06 EST 2008


python-list users: I'm not a subscriber, so please send all replies 
off-list as well! (CC or To me)

This is self-advertisement; I've just publised my first "official" 
python+pygame project, and I'd love it if people looked at it.

I've recently published my inhouse Python Media Center application, 
PyMei (Python Media Interface). I run it on my local Ubuntu HTPC to play 
video files and such, and it uses PyGame and PyYAML for the application 
itself, and mplayer/vlc for video playback.

It supports plugins and themes, so it should be fairly extensible, but 
let me know if you want to do something that isn't currently possible!

I find it useful myself, so I hope someone else will. Please give me any 
feedback you might have about the program itself or the webpage!

The project is available at and - documentation and source on the 
latter. Feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or questions, 
or direct them to contact at or #pymei @ Freenode.

The program has hardly been run on anything outside my apartment, so I 
know it needs some work, but I'd love all kinds of feedback, good or 
bad. ;-)

Kindest regards, Jørgen P. Tjernø,
   who's holding his breath in anticipation of feedback!

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