Simple - Pretty Printing (pprint) a list with a max width?

rh0dium steven.klass at
Fri Nov 7 10:45:32 EST 2008

Hi all,

Perhaps it's not supposed to work like this but I thought if you
supplied a width to pprint it would nicely format a list to the

KEYS = ['search_keys', 'Section', 'site', 'Employee', 'JobClassCode',
'XBoss', 'Department',
            'LocationDesc',  'cn', 'Division', 'Fax', 'SectionCode',
'last_update',  'location',
            'mail', 'Nickname', 'JobClass', 'username', 'Name',
'Shift', 'FunctionalArea', 'p4user',
            'euid', 'Position',  'DivisionCode', 'OfficePhone',
'CellPhone', 'Supervisor', 'aim',
            'url', 'aim_id', 'Assistant', 'DeptNo', 'OtherPhone',

 pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
  [ 'search_keys',
That works but it doesn't span the width if you put a width - for that
matter I can't seem to get width to do anything.  Anyone else see
that?   What I want is to be able to given a list provide a nice fancy
evenly spaced columnar output.

  search_keys        Section        site          Employee
  JobClassCode       XBoss          Department    LocationDesc
  cn                 Division       Fax           SectionCode

It's clear pprint does not do this - Does anyone have something for
working with lists to pretty format them?

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