How can a function know what module it's in?

Joe Strout joe at
Tue Nov 11 23:17:49 EST 2008

Some corrections, to highlight the depth of my confusion...

On Nov 11, 2008, at 9:10 PM, Joe Strout wrote:

> 	doctest.testmod(mymodule)
> This actually works fine if I'm importing the module (with the  
> standard name) somewhere else

Actually, it does not.

> I noticed that a function object has a __module__ attribute, that is  
> a reference to the module the function is in.

And no, it isn't; it's the NAME of the module the function is in.  I'm  
not sure what good that does me.  docstring.testmod does take an  
optional "name" parameter, but the documentation (at least in 2.5.2)  
does not explain what this parameter is used for.  I tried using it  


but that didn't work; it appears to still be testing the __main__  
module.  (Perhaps the name parameter is only used to describe the  
module in the output, in which case, all I've accomplished here is  
getting doctest to lie.)

> I'm sure there is a magic identifier somewhere that lets a code get  
> a reference to its own module, but I haven't been able to find it.   
> Can someone share a clue?

This question remains open.  :)

- Joe

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