locating the chorus in a MIDI song?

Joe Strout joe at strout.net
Mon Nov 3 23:20:46 EST 2008

We've got a need to generate short "samples" of songs that are in MIDI  
format, to provide a preview function in a web app.  We'd like to do  
something more clever than just taking the middle 20 seconds (or  
whatever) of the song -- ideally, we'd like to find the chorus, since  
that's likely to be the most easily recognized part of the song.

I believe this could be done fairly reliably by looking for patterns  
in the MIDI file, though I'm sure there are plenty of complications to  
this simple idea.


1. I see at <http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonInMusic> there are  
quite a few MIDI libraries for Python.  Are any of them particularly  
well suited to this task?

2. Anybody have an interest in music theory, as well as mad Python  
skills?  Want a paying contract job?  If so, please contact me off- 
list.  I'd enjoy pursuing this myself, but if you think you can do a  
better job at a reasonable rate, I'm happy to let you do so.

- Joe

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