Newbie question

Joe Hays joey_hays at
Thu Nov 6 16:14:08 EST 2008

I'm a newbie to python. Can anyone tell me why the following little program complains about incorrect dimensions?

import pylab
from pylab import *

n = 10; m = 2*n;
A = randn(m,n);
b = A*rand(n,1) + 2*rand(m,1);

The actual error I receive is,

b = A*rand(n,1) + 2*rand(m,1);
ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape

This is supposed to be doing a matrix multply of an (m,n)(n,1). This results in an (m,1). This should then be able to be added to the 2*rand(m,1), but, its not for some reason.



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