Python and SOAP status

Waldemar Osuch waldemar.osuch at
Sat May 3 15:07:21 EDT 2008

Heikki Toivonen wrote:
> I have started researching the Python SOAP (and web services in general)
> options out there. Python 2.5 should be supported.
> I used Python for some web services stuff (demo quality) a few years
> back without major problems. However, it seems many of the libraries I
> remember from that time have become dormant or have been explicitly
> discontinued. A colleague also commented that he run into lots of
> problems trying to use Python for SOAP a year ago.
> What is your experience with Python SOAP, WSDL etc. libraries? What are
> the good, maintained options out there right now? How is standards
> compliance, how robust are the libraries, how do they interoperate with
> other libraries written in other languages (I am especially interested
> in interoperability with Java and PHP web services stacks).
> It seems like the top 3 candidates on my list are ZSI
> (, soaplib
> ( and suds
> ( If you have any experience in
> using these, I'd very much like to hear from you.
> There was quite a depressing post about ZSI's status at

I had good experience using soaplib as the server and Java client.

For the client side I found elementsoap (
to be useful on a couple occasions.


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