What is the purpose of ptyhon in Windows

cokofreedom at gmail.com cokofreedom at gmail.com
Wed May 7 10:18:53 EDT 2008

On May 7, 4:08 pm, "parag_p... at hotmail.com" <parag_p... at hotmail.com>
> hi All,
> I have no idea why I need to learn a new scripting language,
> nothing much to the sytnax,
> I need to understand what could be the prupose of another scripting
> language
> Cna you please help me with this,
> Is there a possibilty to work on bigger projects with Python

Answer, reasons to learn another scripting language;
It provides different techniques to problems,
It is eaiser and clearer to write with a strong community to aid
Problems can be scaled,
There are a lot of high scale Python projects.

Hope that helped.

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