Generating event from event

Mike Driscoll kyosohma at
Fri May 30 14:27:39 EDT 2008

On May 30, 12:11 pm, Gandalf <goldn... at> wrote:
> Hi Diez, I can't see how it  matter which GUI-Toolkit i uses because I
> can combine libraries.
> I think all that matter is that i work with windows XP.
> if you ever done something like that or you familiar with article
> which can show me how to implement what I asked it would help me
> Thank you very much

It matters because each Python GUI toolkit works differently. Tkinter
does it via Tk/tcl calls, wxPython uses the wx library and pyGTK does
it in yet another way. The basic ideas are the same, but the
implementations are quite different.

In wx, for example, there are mouse events called wx.MouseEvent:

In Tkinter, they do the same thing, but the calls are almost
completely different. See the following for examples:

You probably either want the MouseEvents or to create an


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