Open a file within an ISO in python.

David wizzardx at
Sun May 4 06:11:32 EDT 2008

On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 12:01 PM,  <danikar at> wrote:
> Is there a way to open a file that is inside of an ISO in python?
>  Say I have an ISO file, danikars.iso and on the iso there is a file
>  called information.txt
>  I want to be able to do something like this.
>  [code]
>  iso_h = openiso("danikars.iso")
>  file_h = iso_h.extract("information.txt")
>  contents =
>  [/code]
>  Is there anything that will give me that functionality? Or close?

Under Linux you can mount iso files as loopback devices.


mkdir mnt
sudo mount -o loop file.iso ./mnt

Then the ./mnt directory will 'contain' the contents of the iso

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