multiple Python versions, but on Windows (how to handle registry updates)

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Sat May 10 14:43:39 EDT 2008

"Banibrata Dutta" <banibrata.dutta at> wrote in message 
news:3de8e1f70805092138y4ca414ck2be6b5246afa664b at
| given that I already have Python2.5 installed & will install Python2.4, 
| copying the ../Lib/site-packages/ from 2.5 into 2.4's, work ?
| i think the answer is "no", but still asking. is it package specific ?

If a particular distribution consists of only Python code (no C dll's) and 
that code uses no 2.5 features and does not depend on any other 2.5 
changes, then it should work with 2.4.  Otherwise.... 

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