How to modify meaning of builtin function "not" to "!"?

Ivan Voras ivoras at __fer.hr__
Fri May 9 09:54:16 EDT 2008

grbgooglefan wrote:
> I am creating functions, the return result of which I am using to make
> decisions in combined expressions.
> In some expressions, I would like to inverse the return result of
> function.
> E.g. function contains(source,search) will return true if "search"
> string is found in source string.
> I want to make reverse of this by putting it as:
> if ( ! contains(s1,s2) ):
>      return 1
> I found that "!" is not accepted by Python & compile fails with
> "invalid syntax".
> Corresponding to this Boolean Operator we've "not" in Python.
> How can I make "not" as "!"?

"not" is a perfectly valid boolean operator in Python and means just
what "!" means in C. The equivalent binary operator is "~", just like in C.

>>> print not True
>>> print not 1
>>> print not 0
>>> print ~1
>>> print ~0

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