Python doesn't recognize quote types

MRAB google at
Mon May 12 12:47:03 EDT 2008

On May 12, 8:31 am, Duncan Booth < at invalid.invalid> wrote:
> Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr... at> wrote:
> >      The sloppy use of "single quote" for the "apostrophe" is unfortunate
> ><G>
> True, but that problem is outside of the Python community's control. Given
> that people do often refer to single quote when they mean apostrophe the
> error message should be written so as to minimise confusion.

FYI, there are actually 2 types of quote character, single and double,
each with 2 forms, left and right. In Unicode the single-quote
characters are U+2018 (‘) and U+2019 (’) and the double-quote
characters are U+201C (“) and U+201D (”). The right-hand single-quote
is also the apostrophe.

In order to reduce the size of the character set needed, computer
manufacturers introduced 'sexless' quote characters, the single-quote/
aphostrophe U+0027 (') and double-quote U+0022 (").

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