Browser + local Python-based web server vs. wxPython

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Tue May 6 03:48:46 EDT 2008

Mike Driscoll a écrit :
> The most popular Python web frameworks seem to be TurboGears, Django,
> Pylons, CherryPy and mod_python.

I wouldn't call mod_python a web framework. It's a library that exposes 
(most of) Apache's request handling process to Python, and is mostly 
used as a deployment solution.

> I know you can run TurboGears, Django and CherryPy locally as well as
> with Apache, so they might garner more of your attention.

Idem for Pylons (and FWIW, Turbogears 2 will be based on Pylons).

My own personal preference goes to Pylons, but so far Django is way more 
stable and better documented.

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