Help with character encodings

Gary Herron gherron at
Tue May 20 11:59:55 EDT 2008

Gary Herron wrote:
> A_H wrote:
>> Help!
>> I've scraped a PDF file for text and all the minus signs come back as
>> u'\xad'.
>> Is there any easy way I can change them all to plain old ASCII '-' ???
>> str.replace complained about a missing codec.
>> Hints?
> Encoding it into a 'latin1' encoded string seems to work:
>  >>> print u'\xad'.encode('latin1')
>  -

That might be what you want, but really, it was not a very well thought 
answer.  Here's a better answer:

Using the unicodedata module, i see that the character you have  u'\xad' is

    SOFT HYPHEN (codepoint 173=0xad)

If you want to replace that with the more familiar HYPHEN-MINUS 
(codepoint 45) you can use the string replace, but stick will all 
unicode values so you don't provoke a conversion to an ascii encoded string

    >>> print u'ABC\xadDEF'.replace(u'\xad','-')

But does this really solve your problem?   If there is the possibility 
for other unicode characters in your data, this is heading down the 
wrong track, and the question (which I can't answer) becomes: What are 
you going to do with the string?

If you are going to display it via a GUI that understands UTF-8, then 
encode the string as utf8 and display it -- no need to convert the 

If you are trying to display it somewhere that is not unicode (or UTF-8) 
aware, then you'll have to convert it.  In that case, encoding it as 
latin1 is probably a good choice, but beware:  That does not convert the 
u'\xad' to an chr(45) (the usual HYPHEN-MINUS),  but instead to chr(173) 
which (on latin1 aware applications) will display as the usual hyphen.  
In any case, it won't be ascii (in the strict sense that ascii is chr(0) 
through chr(127)).  If you *really* *really* wanted straight strict 
ascii, replace chr(173) with chr(45).

Gary Herron

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