Python and Flaming Thunder

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Wed May 14 09:47:55 EDT 2008

Dave Parker a écrit :
>> 5-10 times faster for what kind of code?
> Mostly numerical analysis

Benches, please ? I mean : benches using Python's numpy or similar 
packages - that is, what anyone doing numerical intensive computation in 
Python would use.

> and CGI scripting.

Is there anyone still doing cgi nowadays ???

  >> I don't see anything that resembles OO features of python, ...
> True.  But in Python, you don't see statically-linked pure-syscall CGI

Hopefully. And you don't see much cgi script at all, because we figured 
much better ways to do web programming.

> For many people, being 5 to 10 times faster at numerical analysis and
> CGI scripting is reason enough to pay $19 per year.  But maybe for
> other people, having slow, inefficient programs and websites is
> acceptable.

Go tell this to google, youtube etc...

> Perhaps.  But if elementary school students can easily understand why
> one programming language gives the answer 100 (Flaming Thunder):
>   Write 10^2.
> but can't understand why another programming language gives the answer
> 8 (Python):
>   Print 10^2

This doesn't "give" 8 - this raises a syntax error.

Please RTFM :
1/ this is 'print', not 'Print'
2/ '^' is the bitwise XOR operator

ok, so not only do you spam this newsgroup, but you're also a clueless 

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