Browser + local Python-based web server vs. wxPython

Mike Driscoll kyosohma at
Mon May 5 16:54:59 EDT 2008

On May 5, 9:22 am, pyt... at wrote:
> I'm looking at rewriting some legacy VB applications and am pondering
> which of the following techniques to use:
> 1. Browser based GUI with local web server (Browser +
> wsgiref.simple_server) (I'm assuming that simple_server is class I want
> to build from for a local web server)
> -OR-
> 2. wxPython based GUI
> My thought is that a browser/local web server setup may be more portable
> to mobile environments than wxPython and may offer a way to scale a
> single user offline application to a multi-user online application using
> a remote vs. local web server. Some groups of users may feel more
> comfortable with a browser based interface as well.
> I'm looking for feedback from anyone that has pondered the same question
> as well as any pros/cons or tips from anyone that has chosen the
> browser/lcoal web server route.
> Thanks,
> Malcolm

wxPython is great for desktop applications on Linux, Windows and Mac.
However, there isn't much support for it on mobile platforms at the
moment. If you're thinking your application will be mostly for mobile
environments, then you'll probably want to look at Python web
frameworks, Jython or Silverlight + IronPython (if you want to use
Python on the web).

The most popular Python web frameworks seem to be TurboGears, Django,
Pylons, CherryPy and mod_python.

I know you can run TurboGears, Django and CherryPy locally as well as
with Apache, so they might garner more of your attention.


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