BeautifulSoup: problems with parsing a website

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at
Wed May 28 16:04:23 EDT 2008

Marco Hornung wrote:
> Hy guys,

... and girls?

> I'm using the python-framework BeautifulSoup(BS) to parse some
> information out of a german soccer-website.

consider using lxml.

    >>> from lxml import html

> I want to parse the article shown on the website.

    >>> tree = html.parse("

> To do so I want to
> use the Tag " <div class="txt_fliesstext">" as a starting-point.

    >>> div = tree.xpath('//div[@class = "txt_fliesstext"]')

> When
> I have found the Tag I somehow want to get all following "br"-Tags

Following? Meaning: after the div?

    >>> br_list = diff.xpath("following-sibling::br")

Or within the div?

    >>> br_list = diff.xpath(".//br")

> until there is a new CSS-Class Style is coming up.

Ok, that's different.

    >>> for el in div.iter(): # or div.itersiblings():
    ...     if el.tag == "br":
    ...         print el.text # or whatever
    ...     elif el.tag == "span" or el.get("class"):
    ...         break

Hope it helps.


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