How do *you* use Python in non-GUI work?

s0suk3 at s0suk3 at
Mon May 19 02:08:11 EDT 2008

On May 18, 7:25 pm, John Salerno <johnj... at> wrote:
> On Sun, 18 May 2008 16:17:55 -0700 (PDT)
> Mensanator <mensana... at> wrote:
> > I see no need for GUI in any of these applications.
> Yeah, I try to find little projects to write in Python that don't involve a GUI. It's quicker, for one thing, and I also find that there is much more of a focus on the actual problem rather than wasting time trying to get a button positioned just right. :)
> Even back when I was using Windows 3.1 and 95, I enjoyed doing stuff in DOS because it made me feel like I was actually getting work done. :)

I do mostly Internet protocol server/proxy-side applications. One of
the fun things about those kinds of programs is that you get away from
the whole "user interface design" concept, because you normally don't
have to do any kind of user interface (neither command-line-based, GUI-
based, web-based, nor anything), since you're not designing something
to serve an end user, but to work as a lonely daemon and serve some
kind of Internet service. So I think that'd be a good alternative for

Every now and then, however, I do build some interface (mostly GUI),
such as a monitor, notification mechanism, etc. But I never feel like
I'm losing focus on the actual problem; maybe because I develop the
core program first and the think about a possible and optional
interface. Maybe a good suggestion is to put the GUI stuff on another
module or package, and make interface functions or methods to handle
the needed GUI controls, so that the GUI stuff shows up as little as
possible in the core part of the program.

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