Is using range() in for loops really Pythonic?

Yves Dorfsman yves at
Sun May 11 18:51:09 EDT 2008

John Salerno wrote:
> To me, the first example is a pure use of the for loop. You are 
> iterating through an object and *using* the items you are stepping through.
> The second example, however, is simply doing something 10 times, and 
> what it's doing has nothing to do with 'x' or xrange. So it seems like 
> an abuse of the for loop.

Well, I would say this:
myl = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
for i in xrange(len(myl)):
   print myl[i]

As you would see in other languages, is an abuse in python. But in you need 
to iterate 5 times over something. Do you have a cleaner / python'er 
alternative ?

Do you find the following cleaner:

x = 0
while x <= 4:
   print x
   x += 1


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