22.800000 and a 1 on the end!!??

Johannes Bauer dfnsonfsduifb at gmx.de
Sun May 25 16:04:42 EDT 2008

notnorwegian at yahoo.se schrieb:

> ok where does the 1 in the come from?

Conversion to floating point values, which have no precise 
representation for all numbers that have such in the decimal system. 
Read more on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754-1985


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reicht zu wissen, daß andere es besser können und andere es auch
besser machen um einen Vergleich zu bringen."     -     Wolfgang Gerber
       in de.sci.electronics <47fa8447$0$11545$9b622d9e at news.freenet.de>

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