php vs python

Ethan Furman ethan at
Fri May 30 16:46:52 EDT 2008

Jerry Stuckle wrote:

 > As I've said before - good programmers can write good code in any
 > language.

So... an eloquent speaker of English is also an eloquent speaker of 

I think your statement would be correct if worded: some programmers can 
write good code in any language.  There's a reason why computer coding 
paradigms are called 'languages' -- because they are, and as such they 
require different ways of thinking.  Just because someone is good at 
playing pianos doesn't mean they are also good at wood carving.  Just 
because someone is good (i.e. writes good code) in C / PHP / Python / 
Perl / Assembly / whatever does not inherently mean that that same 
person will be able to write good code in any other language.  That's 
one reason why there are so many to choose from: different people think 
differently and most are only optimal in certain areas.

Or perhaps your definition of a good programmer means somebody who can 
write good code in any language?  What then is a programmer who can only 
write good code in a handful of languages?  Or maybe only two languages? 
   Or even only one?

My definition of a good programmer is someone who can write good code in 
a computer language.  I would use the word 'versatile' or even 
'multi-lingual' to broaden the scope to more than one language.

My apologies, Jerry, for writing back to you directly -- I haven't yet 
discovered how to post to newsgroups, and I do not know the php mailing 
list address.  I guess by both our definitions I am not a 'good 
newsgroup poster.'  ;-)

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