Scanning through Windows registry...

Unknown Hero unknown_hero007 at
Fri May 9 07:33:36 EDT 2008

On 9 touko, 12:51, Unknown Hero <unknown_hero... at> wrote:

> Finally managed to get it to work (heh, I was pretty darn lost even
> though I had the best help) but as promised, I'll post my code here
> for those who might be interested in it. The biggest of thanks to Tim
> Golden, who basically walked me step-by-step through this. Most of the
> code is copied from his examples above.
> [large piece of code here]
> Not the most effecient code, I'm sure, but it does what I want it to
> do :D
> Thank you once more, Tim. Also, thank you, Mike, for your advice on
> saving the registry. I would have forgotten to note backing up the
> registry in the beginning if it wasn't for you bringing that up. :D

Hmm... Improving your code is always fun :D but quick fixes to make it
replace search results that contain something more than 'old' here
seem to work.

So I made it command-line, with arguments Hive, old, new.

If I ran the script as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE something
"something else"
and I had made dummy values to the registry like "there is something
here" it
won't update to "there is something else here".

I tried this, can Tim (or someone else) possibly help?

        if type == _winreg.REG_SZ:
          Character = 0
          Correct = 0
          FoundStart = FoundEnd = 0
          Found = False
          for y in range(len(data)):
            if Character < len(old):
              if old[Character] is data[y]:
                Character = Character + 1
                Correct = Correct + 1
          if Correct is len(old):
            Found = True
            Replace = ""
            Character = 0
            for y in range(len(data)):
              if old[0] is data[y]:
                FoundStart = int(y)
                FoundEnd = FoundStart + oldLength
            for y in range(FoundStart):
              Replace = Replace + data[y]

            for y in range(len(new)):
              Replace = Replace + new[y]

            for y in range(FoundEnd, len(data)):
              Replace = Replace + data[y]

          if Found:
            _winreg.SetValueEx (key.key, name, 0, type, data.replace
(old, Replace))

Thanks in advance.

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