Problem creating a shorcut

Larry Bates larry.bates at`
Fri May 16 09:09:13 EDT 2008

Mike Driscoll wrote:
> On May 15, 2:03 pm, Larry Bates < at`> wrote:
>> Mike Driscoll wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've had this niggling issue from time to time. I want to create a
>>> shortcut on the user's desktop to a website that specifically loads
>>> Firefox even if Firefox is not the default browser.
>>> I usually use COM as it allows very specific settings of the shortcut,
>>> such as the Working Directory and the Target Path. However, the
>>> following will not work for some reason:
>>> <code>
>>> import win32com.client
>>> import winshell
>>> shell = win32com.client.Dispatch('WScript.Shell')
>>> userDesktop = winshell.desktop()
>>> shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(userDesktop + '\\MyShortcut.lnk')
>>> shortcut.Targetpath = r'"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
>>> https:\\auth\preauth.php'
>>> shortcut.WorkingDirectory = r'C:\Program Files\Mozilla
>>> Firefox'
>>> </code>
>>> This creates the following target path (which doesn't work):
>>> "C:\"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" https:
>>> \\auth\preauth.php"
>>> If I leave the website off, it works. If I leave the path to Firefox
>>> out, it works too. Is there another method I can use other than
>>> creating the shortcut by hand and using the shutil module?
>>> Thank you for any ideas.
>>> Mike
>> Either you copied wrong or the problem is:
>> "C:\"C:\Program Files...
>> Note the C:\ is specified twice in the string.  I think it should read:
>>  > "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" https:
>>  > \\auth\preauth.php"
>> -Larry
> Yeah, I know that it's in there twice and that that is the problem.
> But I'm not causing that extra C:\. I run it exactly as above and that
> is what I get for the output. I think it's the COM object. Maybe I
> better just re-post this to the PyWin32 list...
> Thanks,
> Mike

I use Inno Setup on most of my applications and use it to create my desktop, 
quicklaunch and Start shortcuts.  Would that be an option for you?


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