Running compiled windows service python script

Aspersieman aspersieman at
Tue May 13 06:15:55 EDT 2008

Hi All

I have a windows service (attached file). I basically just calls another 
script every 60 seconds. I can install, start and stop this service as 
expected with: install | start | stop

The problem is: if I create an exe of this script (all required modules 
are included in the exe) with gui2exe (a frontend to py2exe) I can 
install the service - but not start it. The error it returns is "Error 
starting service: The service did not respond to the start or control 
request in a timely fashion."

Is there something I need to additionally include in the compiled exe? I 
have manually included the following modules:
    * servicemanager
    * win32con
    * win32evtlogutil
    * win32serviceutil

I would greatly appreciate any help.




The three things to remember about Llamas:
1) They are harmless
2) They are deadly
3) They are made of lava, and thus nice to cuddle. 

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