Function creation (what happened?)

Viktor alefnula at
Fri May 9 09:02:01 EDT 2008

This completely slipped of my mind... :)

I'm trying to change the:

So if the function is method it prints ClassName.MethodName instead of
MethodName(self|klass|cls=<... ClassName>).

But it turned out that in the decorator, the wrapped function is
always just a TypeFunction (I cannot find out if the function is
method, classmethod, staticmethod or just a plain function - tried
with inspect also)... And what is most interesting, when I do:

def w(fn):
    print 'fn:', id(fn)
    return fn

class A:
    def __init__(self): pass

print 'A.__init__:', id(A.__init__)

It turns out that the function I receive in the wrapper (even when I
return the same function) is not the function which will finally be
attached to the class...

Is there a way to find out in the decorator "what will the decorated
function be"?

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