thread stomp?

pyn3wb pyn3wb at
Mon May 12 16:00:52 EDT 2008

class1 (threading.Thread):
	def __init__(self, dir):
		self.dir = dir
	def run(self):
		do stuff in dir here...

class2 (threading.Thread):
	def __init__(self, dir, dir2):
		self.file = g
		self.dir2 = dir2

	def run(self):
		do stuff in dir here...
		output to dir2

class main
	for i in dircache.listdir(dir):
		//run over files

	for j in dircache.listdir(dir2):
		//run over files, dependent on stuff in dir

think just using the loops above enough to prevent class2 threads from 
starting before class1 threads done

not true

class2 threads seems to start prior to class1 threads done; class2 
results depend on class1 finish first

any help?

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