Relationship between GUI and logic?

John Salerno johnjsal at
Fri May 23 09:13:50 EDT 2008

"Bruno Desthuilliers" <bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid> wrote in 
message news:4836747b$0$15488$426a74cc at
> Ever heard of the "Model/View/Controller" pattern ?

Yes, I have, but I probably don't understand it well enough yet. For 
example, I don't  really know what is meant by phrases like "build a model", 
"the view registers itself with the model", "interations are sent to the 
appropriate controller" -- I may understand them literally, but I get the 
feeling that the implementation of these ideas are beyond me. I think it's 
mainly an issue of terminology, so probably I should just read up on MVC.

> The user interface doesn't need to be graphical. There were games and 
> emails clients and text editors before GUIs existed, you know ?

Of course, but I'm specifically asking about creating a program that has a 
GUI, and even more specifically it would be wxPython. 

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