Sparse Matrix Multiplications

dingo_1980 at dingo_1980 at
Mon May 12 20:53:51 EDT 2008

I was trying to create a sparse matrix using scipy.sparse (100000 X
100000) with just the first row and first column filled with ones.
Lets call this matrix Asp. This is how I created Asp

from scipy import sparse
Asp = scipy.lil_matrix(100000,100000)
for i in range(100000):
   Asp[i,0] = i
   Asp[0,i] = i
Bsp = (Asp.tocsr())*(Asp.tocsr())

This multiplication to get Bsp is taking a long time (to the order of
over an hour). Is there some other way of storing such huge sparse
matrices and doing their multiplications or is this the most optimal

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