multiple Python versions, but on Windows (how to handle registry updates)

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Fri May 9 10:11:44 EDT 2008

En Fri, 09 May 2008 07:58:33 -0300, Banibrata Dutta <banibrata.dutta at> escribió:

> I already have Python25, and need to install Python24. I would prefer not to
> remove Python25, but each Python version seems to update the registry, I
> guess (not sure), overwriting each other's entries. Any way to have both
> versions ?

They can coexist peacefully. The last one you install will be the default version to handle .py files automatically.

You may want to create a batch file like this:

<begin python24.cmd>
@c:\python24\python.exe %*
<end python24.cmd>

(and a similar one for 2.5; put them somewhere on your PATH, like c:\windows\system32)
Usage: python24

Gabriel Genellina

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