Function creation (what happened?)

Viktor alefnula at
Fri May 9 08:25:57 EDT 2008

Can somebody give me an explanation what happened here (or point me to
some docs)?


HMMM = None

def w(fn):
    print 'fn:', id(fn)
    HMMM = fn
    print 'HMMM:', id(HMMM)
    def wrapper(*v, **kw):
        fn(*v, **kw)
    wrapper.i = fn
    print 'wrapper:', id(wrapper)
    return wrapper

class A:
    def __init__(self): pass

print 'A.__init__:', id(A.__init__)
print 'A.__init__.i:', id(A.__init__.i)
print 'HMMM:', id(HMMM)


fn: 10404208
HMMM: 10404208
wrapper: 10404272
A.__init__: 10376136
A.__init__.i: 10404208
HMMM: 505264624

Why did HMMM changed his id?!

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