Bug in ssl-object library reference page or in ssl-object code?

Grant Edwards grante at visi.com
Thu May 22 17:00:02 EDT 2008

According to http://docs.python.org/lib/ssl-objects.html

  17.2.2 SSL Objects

  SSL objects have the following methods.

    If n is provided, read n bytes from the SSL connection,
    otherwise read until EOF. The return value is a string of
    the bytes read.

The behavior I observer when n is not provided doesn't agree
with the description.  When I call read(), it appears that I
get whatever data is currently available.  It does not read
until EOF.  This seems to agree with the comment on the
"example" page:


   # Read a chunk of data.  Will not necessarily
   # read all the data returned by the server.
   data = ssl_sock.read()

If read() did indeed read until EOF, then it would always
read all of the data returned by the server.

Is this a bug in the doc or in the code?

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! How do I get HOME?

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