Storing objects in relational database

bruno.desthuilliers at bruno.desthuilliers at
Fri May 23 17:36:37 EDT 2008

On 23 mai, 23:14, nayden <nay... at> wrote:
> and then I try to restore the object with the following code
> def success(rv):
>     print "success"
>     str =  cStringIO.StringIO(libpq.PgUnQuoteBytea(rv[0][0]))
>     i = cPickle.load(str)
>     i.toString()
> the execution fails just after the print statement, and I am not quite
> sure why is that.

Please reread the doc for pickle.dump,  pickle.dumps, pickle.load and
pickle.loads.  You just don't need StringIO here, just use the 's
versions of the functions.

> I would love to find out what people are using when they need to do
> something similar
> perhaps I am trying to do it the perl way, while there is an elegant
> python solution.

I don't know if you'd label it 'elegant', but as far as I'm concerned,
storing serialized objects as blobs in a relational database is mostly
non-sense. If I use a relational database, it's because it is a
*relational* database. If you want an OODB, then we have the ZODB,
Durus and a couple others.

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