python vs. grep

Anton Slesarev slesarev.anton at
Tue May 6 15:42:26 EDT 2008

I've read great paper about generators:

Author say that it's easy to write analog of common linux tools such
as awk,grep etc. He say that performance could be even better.

But I have some problem with writing performance grep analog.

It's my script:

import re
pat = re.compile("sometext")

f = open("bigfile",'r')

flines = (line for line in f if
for x in flines:
print c

and bash:
grep "sometext" bigfile | wc -l

Python code 3-4 times slower on windows. And as I remember on linux
the same situation...

Buffering in open even increase time.

Is it possible to increase file reading performance?

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